Living Beyond the Crisis


I truly believe crisis comes to shake what can be shaken. But before we go any further we have to ask ourselves, what is the meaning of crisis? Websters definition is a time of intense difficulty, trouble or danger. I guarantee you that every single human being, whether their zip code is 90210 or something different we all will experience crisis in our lives. The death of a loved one, sick family members or friends, financial difficulty, bullied. All of these things have a similarity, it was no fault of yours. But why do we respond to crisis with such finality? If you study history you will know that our ancestors and there’s before them experienced some of the worse crisis ever, yet they prevailed and left something beautiful for us to build upon. My question is, what are you going to leave the next generation? Is it simply going to be your hysteria and lack of judgement? The crisis of our time is the Corona virus AKA Covid-19. Sources from all over the world are speculating the origins of it and why. But here is what we know to be true, history has shown us that this too shall pass and if it's going to pass then why are we making permanent decisions to a temporary problem?

The highest form of love is love in correction. This is the time when your love is most needed. Let this crisis be your opportunity to connect your family together like never before. Instead of panicking about the confusion in the different news outlets, give your children a foundation of calm in the midst of the storm. Demonstrate to them the true spirit and functioning of leadership. Turn your house into a spiritual, mental and physical oasis. News flash, the virus is here, worrying about it will not cause it to leave, why do you choose to punish ourselves twice? Let this time of isolation be to your advantage, you still get to dictate how you respond to every crisis.

If you notice all throughout history, the people that we build monuments for, were defined by their crisis. Dr. Martin Luther King was defined by the civil rights movement and we can’t forget him. Mandela was defined by the apartheid in South Africa, spent 27 years of his life in prison and when he came out he appointed the party that had a hand in his incarceration to work with him and be a part of the peace process, LEADERSHIP. Mother Teressa was defined by homelessness and poverty, she was a school teacher but purposed called. She left school and simply fed and clothed the poor, we can’t forget about her. My question is the crisis that you’re in, what are you going to do about it and how is it going to lend to your legacy. Let leadership not fear be your calling card.


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