Getting Back to the Truth About Love


The most misunderstood word in the world, I believe is love. But it’s the very vehicle that we vitally need in order to transport our intentions, attitude and destiny. I’m learning that everything reproduces after its own kind. The baby lioness cubs watch their mothers on the hunt, the stealth-fulness of it, their patience, when to strike. Even in the failures of not delivering on the prey are teachable moments, because you see the mom trying again. In our families we have modeled our unique style of love to our children. The question is, is this style of love affective in order to produce successful love givers?

A teacher can only take you as far as they have gone. I grew up in a household where I saw a loveless marriage. While my father was great at providing, protecting and a source of great discipline, he lacked the love and the deep sensitivity that made a man successful in his relationship. And naturally because I followed everything he did, I became mediocre in my pursuit of love and relationship. But I have great news, you actually can give to yourself everything your parents were unable to give. After losing one of the most important relationships in my life, I made a decision to simply go on a quest to find the true meaning and functioning of love.

If you were to look up the word love in the dictionary, it states that love is an intense feeling or passion towards something or someone. I will say it again love is an intense FEELING or passion towards SOMETHING or SOMEONE. But if you are telling me that love is a feeling, even after the beautiful wedding, the birth of kids, 10 years in the history books, you are telling me it’s okay to leave because I no longer FEEL like loving you. We have to reframe the way we view, understand and digest love. Love is not a feeling, it’s a decision motivated by understanding the value in you. If I am valuable to myself then that value protects you but all over the world people are giving themselves to another person but it means nothing because they don’t even want themselves. In order for me to be an affective ambassador of love, I first have to know my value and where the source of it comes from. Second I have to receive that love in such a way where it becomes my foundation, my lifeline and my calling card. Third because I am love the giving of my love has no strings attached. I simply want to give to you because I chose you to give it to. Its not based on how beautiful you are, your social status, your talents, I AM LOVE and I choose YOU to give it to without any expectations. My only challenge in deciding a mate to give my love to, is simply recognizing, are you healthy enough to receive and comprehend what I’m giving so it can then transform you? Thats what love comes to do, it simply comes to liberate.

So let’s reframe how we talk about love. Love is a decision motivated by understanding the value of both parties. If you reduce a woman to a sex object then you will treat her as such. But if you see her TRUE value, which is the giver of life, natures way of providing the love nurturing sensitivity training, the wisest species on earth, loaded with gifts and talents to enrich our lives, would your attitude be different towards her? Just a thought.


Living Beyond the Crisis